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Corso Tullio Boccarusso 130, Massa di Somma 80040
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Travel to Naples è un blog di Promozione Turistica, con l’unione dei migliori professionisti di settore ed esperienze turistiche in un unico sito. Il punto che ci accomuna tutti, è l’amore per la propria terra e il senso di ospitalità per i viaggiatori che vengono a farci visita. Cerchiamo di proporre prevalentemente attività ecosostenibili; un turismo culturale, naturalistico e sociale.

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Corso Tullio Boccarusso 130 80040

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Die Leute von der Agentur waren extrem lustig und konnten auch sehr gut Englisch. Ich freue mich, dass es von Anfang bis zum Ende alles so reibungslos und angenehm organisiert war.

By Diana Medanova

J'étais à Napoli avec mon petit ami et nous avons essayé le club de heartourism. Nous avons essayé avec eux le tour de Pompéi et sorrento. C'était vraiment génial. Les tours étaient amusants et constructifs. J'apprécie vraiment la qualité de leur personnel.

By Asma Bazzezi

I had a wonderful stay in Naples and Heartourism gave me loads of practical tips and hints, as well as booking some terrific excursions. We took horses on a trek around the base of Vesuvius, which was an amazing experience and not something I even knew about beforehand. I couldn't recommend them enough - very friendly and full of Italian Charm; however they really show an interest in you and what you want from your holiday.

By Derek King

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